I’ve struggled with bladder issues my whole life and I recently went to see a neurologist. Turns out, my PC muscles are too toned, so toned that it’s restricting my ability to completely empty. So, she put me on meds and sent me to physical therapy for my pelvic floor. She also recommended dilators to stretch out and relax my vagina.
I didn’t know what to expect when I went in there and I soon found out that I would be getting a vaginal massage twice a week. It’s funny, really, I paid a woman twice a week to massage my vagina w/ one knuckle in, and then a second knuckle.
I quickly realized that this is something my partner could be doing so I asked her about that and she taught my girlfriend how to do the massage.
I also brought in an array of sex toys for her to look at and she coached me on what I should be looking for in a dildo to use as a dilator.
My partner is very go-with-the-flow so it didn’t phase her when I asked for some pillows to prop my knees up while I lay there with a dildo resting inside of me. I picked the straightest dildo I could find, a standard width, and will lay there with a dildo inside of me for up to an hour.
As a sex toy reviewer, I’m not used to a stationary dildo. Really, when I’m reviewing I’ll use the dildo every which way in order to give you the best review I can. I found that this physical therapy works best with a crystal dildo and some Cannabis lube. While I don’t have many non-silicone toys to use with the Cannabis lube I have found two dildos that are the proper fit; they are both stone.
Because I find the Cannabis lube to be so relaxing I prefer to use the stone in order to use the lube. However, I have more flexibility with silicone dildos, I have many more options
While the Bullseye isn’t a straight dilator, I’ve found it to be quite comfortable. The Cadet, the Lovehoney Color-Changing Dildo, and Desire Luxury Dildo are all nice and comfortable. They don’t have intense heads that make insertion without arousal potentially uncomfortable.
This is why I now can be found at night in bed, with my eyes closed in meditation, or a book in my hand, with my legs spread and a dildo resting inside of me. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. Sometimes I get cold and she puts a blanket on me so I don’t move and contract my muscles while I’m trying to relax.
I never thought that my sex toy reviewing would become a form of physical therapy for my vagina, yet here I am. While I tend to like dildos and other sex toys to have a little texture, it’s ideal to have a perfectly straight and un-tapered dildo. Because of the difficulty I’m having finding straight toys with my affiliates, I settle for as uniform as I can get.
I’ve since stopped going to therapy and I have a weekly massage with my partner. Every few nights I spread-eagle and rest with a dildo in me. Hoping to incorporate dilators in my practice, as my doctor suggested.
It was such a weird experience and I’m glad my partner and I are doing it ourselves. The stress of paying someone was making me tense. E