Elust 139
Image courtesy of Sardax.
Welcome to Elust 139.
The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #140? Start with the rules, come back August 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
Books and Movies
Maitresse (1976): The Celluloid Dungeon
Erotic Non-Fiction
Kidnap Fantasy Roleplay Duo with Madam Helle
Congratulations on being included in this list! Reviewing a penis toy was new territory for you, and you (with help from your friend) did a great job.
Thank you! It was Jay’s first review so it was really exciting.
never heard of this before, thanks for sharing
Sure thing. It was a “thing” like six years ago and fizzled out…. now it’s a thing again!
Very varied and intriguing assortment of links!
I love compilations!
Thank you for the Elust!
Love the variety!! So many different things to check out