Category: TMI Tuesday

cunnilingus dildo Meme oral sex Rants sexuality TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday: Was That It?

Have a nice picture before I begin with today’s TMI Tuesday: @sexualhappiness supersex vibe I’m reviewing. 🤗 A photo posted by Rose (@on_her_back) on May 5, 2016 at 6:05pm PDT 1. Have you ever had bad sex? Why do you think it was bad? It was bad because I just fucking laid there. It […]

Meme TMI Tuesday

Marriage– TMI Tuesday

1. Do you believe in marriage? I believe that it works for some people and doesn’t for others. I won’t know which one works for me until I meet that someone. 2. Have you ever proposed marriage or been proposed to marry? What happened? I proposed to my best girlfriend b/c she needed to stay […]

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