BOOK REVIEW: The Human Pony

BOOK REVIEW: The Human Pony

I requested this book from Greenery Press after I watched a disappointing episode of “BoneThe Human Ponys.” The murder took place in a pony play resort. Booth, one of the main character, said they were not normal and vanilla sex is the way to go. He judged them, the person who wrote the script judged him, and viewers judged the pony players.

I wrote a short post about this but I strongly believe that no one’s consensual sex is more “normal” than anyone else’s; no one’s sex is better than others. Basically, my sex is not your sex and everyone needs to respect that. Emotionally harming someone because you believe their kinks as not as sound as yours.

Back to the book written by Rebecca Wilcox, an equestrian trainer who later became a human pony trainer. The reason why I was interested in this particular book was because I wanted to learn more about pony play; I wanted to know hear more firsthand accounts from the ponies, though there were several. I was both disappointed and ecstatic that I found a book that was so honest, but I wasn’t expecting a book written like a textbook. Fortunately, I like reading but unfortunately I am so over textbooks. Although it wasn’t exactly what I wanted I did learn quite a bit of how to be a trainer. Honestly, I’d like a book more about being a human pony but this book didn’t give me what I needed. However, it gave me more than I knew before I read this book.

There were great photos of real ponies and their trainers, I couldn’t look away. Something else that intrigued me were the personal account from trainers and ponies. They went into great deal but not enough about the pony “headspace” that I wanted to learn about and too much about the trainer. It was essentially a training manual/textbook.

One of the things I was most interested to find out about, and this book did delve into this, were the types of ponies and a bit about why some people like being a human pony. Pony play is a subdivision (for lack of a better word) of BDSM. Some ponies do it for the pain and humiliation, other ponies enter the pony headspace and become a real pony; there are some ponies that are furries. This doesn’t necessarily have to be about sex, though it often is. As noted above, there are many reasons for being a pony and just as many for being a pony trainer.


Did I like the book? Sure, I liked the information that was given but it didn’t give me enough of what I wanted–being a pony. The emphasis was on the trainer which I quickly got bored of. My guess is that this would be more interesting to someone who trains non-human ponies. Furthermore, The Human Pony was like reading a textbook and, as I said above, I am so over textbooks–but, what can I expect with a description of “Handbook.” Overall? I’d say it’s worth your money if you are a trainer or curious about the trainer’s lifestyle.

Want to buy The Human Pony? You can do so by clicking on the picture above or this link.  Thank you, Greenery Press. This book has peaked my interest. Readers, there will be more.  😉

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